Roses a Testament of Endurance

Often when you think of roses, adjectives such as beauty, romance, and elegance come to mind.

It is said that endurance is the ability to thrive while experiencing adversity, to be resilient under stressful circumstances.

Roses florish in temperatures ranging from 40° to 90° ferienhight, surviving temps down to 10°. 

They can grow in almost any soil.

Despite these conditions they continue to remain beautiful, giving off a lovely fragrance and enhancing the environment surrounding them.

Like roses, we all will experience times in our life that require stamina and persistence. If we are not careful, thorny events, can causes us to become defensive and bitter.

It is during times of adversity that we become aware of our shortcoming, areas that need to be refined.

However, when these moments present themselves, it is an opportunity for us to cultive the beautiful quality of endurance. 

As James 1:4 states:

"But let endurance complete it's work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything."

While enduring, we have a opportunity to aquire wisdom and insight, brings depth of meaning to various aspects of our lives.

Remember too, roses do not grow alone. They surround themselves with others that are just as resilient and colorful as themselves. Becoming a community that supports and protects one another.

Endurance, in what has it made your life more complete?
